Visual Appeal in Technical Writing

Throughout this course, there has been so much information provided that I have been able to successfully apply to my writing to improve it and connect with my audience through it. One thing that has stuck with me intensely through this course has been the concept of visualization within your writing. Many ideas for making sure that your writing is appealing to your viewers fall within the category of visual appeal and organization.

One assignment we did in this course was to create an infographic on a topic of our choosing. One of the most important aspects of this assignment was to organize it so that the information was portrayed honestly and clearly. We learned beforehand that some information that documents or infographics show can be extremely misleading due to stretched or skewed numbers. When I was in the process of creating my infographic, I had gone through and made sure of several things; the words were able to be read easily, the information was easily accessible, the design was appealing to the viewer, and the pie chart was accurately and honestly displayed. Before taking this course, I don’t think I would have the knowledge to check and revise my work to account for the visualization appeal to that capacity. Knowing how well it has soaked into my brain now, I am sure that in the future I will have this knowledge ready in my brain for when it is needed next.

Ella Watts