Technical Writing Transformed My Approach to Computer Science and Astronomy

As a Computer Science major with a minor in Astronomy, my academic focus has mainly centered around coding, with occasional involvement in astronomy research. Writing wasn’t a significant part of my academic routine until I took this course. Upon completing it, I’ve noticed improvements not only in my technical writing skills but also in my coding and research abilities.

One crucial lesson I’ve learned is the importance of effectively structuring and organizing research. Previously, I tended to dive into research without a clear plan, resulting in prolonged and ineffective work. Now, I’ve become more efficient in planning, which has transformed the way I approach research with greater purpose and clarity. Additionally, the course introduced me to logical mapping methods, which have proven useful in my software engineering pursuits. These methods act as visual aids, aiding me in understanding how different project components fit together and enabling me to plan out the project steps more efficiently. By mapping out projects beforehand, I can identify potential issues early and ensure a well-structured system from the start, saving time and avoiding future complications.

This course has not only equipped me with technical writing skills but also essential skills for planning research effectively and utilizing logical mapping methods, benefiting my work in both software engineering and astronomy research.

-Quan Quy